Saddle Up For Sadies

Stuco Posters

Eva Madrid and Florence Penaflor

Students have a chance to tune in to  their country side at the Saddle Up Sadie’s Dance,  this Saturday the 26th from 7:00-10:00pm. 

Student council members are excited about putting on the first western-themed dance and are hopeful students will come and attend. 

“[Students] should go to Sadie’s because it’s an experience and a moment to have fun, it might not be like homecoming but it is an event that you can go to with your friends or significant other to enjoy yourselves,” freshmen Stuco member Ariyana Galarz said.

Sadie Hawkins Dance is an event where traditionally the ladies escort the gentlemen though that is no longer a requirement.  In addition, Sadies holds a court where peers vote for king, queen, prince, princess, lord, lady, duke, and dutchess. Nominated students have an extra reason to enjoy the dance.

“Honestly, I kind of thought it would be fun to be a part of the Sadies court!” freshman Harley Johnston, nominated for court, said. “Dawson [Perkes] and I had talked about it and thought it would be fun if we went for it together and potentially won,” 

Since this is a more casual dance, students are reminded they do not need to overdress for this event, informal attire is the appropriate dress code for this dance. Everyone can still rock jeans and a shirt, maybe even a cowboy hat, match with another individual or group. It’s a tradition. 

“I don’t know exactly, I might be matching with my friend wearing some kind of blue color scheme.” Ariyana explains. 

In addition to the dance itself, Stuco has set up opportunities for students to get married from DO’s very own Mr. Jimmie Powell. There will also be the opportunity to take pictures at the photo booth, hit the dance floor, play some games, and eat some provided treats.

With all of these events planned, Student Council anticipates a fun night for students.

“My hope’s are that a whole bunch of people will be dressed as cowboys or just matching and hanging out with their friends for the night and it will be a much lower level than hoco, no food throwing,” Sienna Ramirez from stucco said. 

Tickets are still available for $20 and can be purchased from any student council member or $30 at the door. Also, students must have their school ID badges in order to enter the dance.