Class of 2022 had very ambitious kids, one being Zackary Corral. Although Corral did not have an idea of what he wanted to do following graduation, he decided the military would be his best route.
“I feel like being in school wasn’t for me,” Corral stated. “I didn’t like the idea of college but I did want to make a name for myself. Not only that, but I wanted to do something my family would be proud of.“
Soon after Corral graduated, he found his love for wanting to help serve our country!
“It was after school ended for me that I really realized the military was my number one option right now.“ Corral expressed. “I liked how I can be perceived as a ‘dangerous’ weapon to other countries and how I can protect more than just my family.”
Once Corral had his mind set on the military, he went in and searched for the exact branch he felt was best fitting for him.
“I had a talk with my mom and was asking her about all the branches. I only went to her because my grandpa served in the military as well.“ Corral explained.
“After talking to her, I figured out the Marine Court was the best option for me. It’s the hardest branch and they’re the first ones in and the last ones out.” stated Corral.
After figuring out what branch he wanted he took initiative and contacted his local recruiting sergeant.
“It was in April of 2023 that I finally reached out and I sent my application in for the USMC”
After 1 month of waiting for a response, he finally got an email back!
“It was May when I got an email back from a sergeant wanting to meet up going over my application.“ Corral said. “When I finally met up with him we had a talk and then he told me all the requirements that were needed.“
After going through the process of making sure this is what Corral wanted, he started PT training!
“I did PT training every Thursday for 2 months. It was an hour long and I was able to meet other young men who wanted to be in the USMC.”
Finally, July 23, 2023 Corral was shipped out for bootcamp in San Diego, California.
“That was probably the best and worst day of my life.“ Corral explained. “It was the best day because I was one step closer to my dreams, but it was the worst day because I had to leave my family. I have never seen my whole family cry all at the same time, except for that day.”
After saying his goodbyes and accepting he won’t see his family for 3 months, the bus took off to Salt Lake City.
“I had to go to Salt Lake City before SD,CA because I had to go through MEPS and make sure I was still eligible to go through bootcamp.”
After 1 day in Salt Lake City, they sent Corral on a plane to San Diego, California.
Corral arrived in San Diego on July 25th 2023, he was sent to his platoon and started bootcamp almost immediately.
“At first, bootcamp was hard. I didn’t enjoy it and I was very homesick.“ said Corral. “I wasn’t used to the conditions I was being put through but I knew I picked this branch for a reason and I also knew as time went on, it would get a lot easier for me.“
After completing the first month of bootcamp, Corral has explained how it’s getting easier and
he’s ready to graduate.
“After the first 3 weeks of adjusting to this new lifestyle, I got used to the routine and it’s been a lot easier for me. “ expressed Corral. “It’s the same thing over and over so I’m pretty used to the training, and so is my body. I can’t wait for graduation in October though; I can finally show my family and everyone I was able to complete one of the most difficult tasks of my life.”
Corral is also very excited to finally become an official Marine and reach his goal of serving his country!
“Once bootcamp is over I’ll be able to call myself a real Marine, let alone serve my country. I’ll finally be reaching the goal I set for myself awhile ago.”
As for now, Corral has a little under 2 months of bootcamp, but is eager to finish boot camp and finally go through with his dreams of protecting our home that we get to call USA!